
Lontong Recipe - Indonesian Typical Food

"Lontong" Recipe, Indonesian Typical Food - Lontong is one of the typical food from Indonesia and growing in Java island, the basic ingredients of lontong are rice. Lontong usually ate with side dishes such as Satay, Chicken Opor, Sambal Tahu, or other. The taste of lontong is the same as rice, but with a softer texture.

Lontong Recipe - Indonesian Typical Food

In a big moment like Ied Fitr, Indonesian society makes a variant of lontong commonly called “ketupat”. The difference between the two is the wrapper of the basic ingredients, for lontong is usually made with a wrapper from the banana leaf while the ketupat usually uses young coconut leaf / "janur".

To cook lontong, the materials needed are very simple. Here is a list of the necessary ingredients and how to cook them.

Necessary materials :
  1. Banana leaf or young "klutuk (one kind of banana tree)" leaf. Dry banana leaf until wilted and cut to the size of lontong you will make.
  2. Rice according to your needs. Soak them in cold water for up to 1 hour.
  3. 1 sheet of pandan leaves.
  4. Enough cold and hot water.
  5. Lidi to embed later.

Cooking steps:

  1. The first step is to take 2 pieces of banana leaves and then roll, do not forget to make sure the bottom of banana leaves to be inside.
  2. If done, then you can pierce one end of the roll of leaves using a stick (to close the end of the banana leaves roll).
  3. Then fill the of banana leaves rolls using the rice you have soaked before. The dosage is half rolls.
  4. Pierce the other end of the roll using a stick, which is useful as a cover of banana leaves roll.
  5. Then you can put the material you have made it (lontong) into the pan. The position of lontong placement is by standing.
  6. Add cold water until lontong is submerged in the water.
  7. Put the pandan 1 sheetleaves. Then boiled using medium heat.
  8. If it is approximately 2 hours, then you can add hot water until lontong completely submerged.
  9. Boil the lontong until the texture is dense and chewy.
  10. If it is cooked then you can lift and drain it.

That's the recipe how to make lontong. It is easy, is not it? You can save Lontong for a long timethat is between 2 to 3 days, place on a dry place so that lontong can last long.

Other Recipes : Madura Chicken Satay (Sate Ayam Madura)

Happy cooking.
