
Enjoying Bandeng Presto (Presto Milkfish) Semarang Culinary

Enjoying Bandeng Presto (Presto Milkfish) Semarang Culinary - Bandeng Presto is a typical Indonesian food. Bandeng Presto is quite popular with the community, this culinary comes from the capital of Central Java more precisely in the Semarang City. If you visit Semarang don't forget to stop by to the center of Semarang typical foods, there are many sold Semarang typical food, one of them is Bandeng Presto.

Enjoying Bandeng Presto (Presto Milkfish) Semarang Culinary
Bandeng Presto Semarang

Semarang city is close to the beach and the pier, so it is easy to get the catch of fishermen in the form of fish. Bandeng presto itself created by the creativity of the Semarang People, in processing the natural results in the form of Bandeng, it aims to overcome the many thorns contained in the Bandeng flesh. Bandeng that has been flavored with garlic, turmeric, and salt and then cooked on a banana leaf using presto technique.

Presto is a way of cooking by utilizing high pressure water vapor. Bandeng that have been given spices placed in the pot and then locked tight. The water in the pan is then heated to boiling and produces water vapor that will soften the Bandeng thorns. This technique is a complement to Bandeng, which became known as Presto Bandeng FishBandeng Presto.

Bandeng Presto Culinary has a savory taste and texture from soft fish to the bones, so you can eat all the fish. There is usually a sauce as a complement. In addition to the durability of this food is also quite long, you can keep it for 2 weeks and 2 months if stored in the refrigerator. So it is suitable for gift and not to worry about the stale in the journey, then this culinary match serves as a side dish of warm rice.

For the center of the souvenir/gift itself is located around Jalan Pandaran, you can use Google Map or use transportation services there and ask to be escorted to the center of Semarang.

Read More: Favorite Destinations Hunting Bandeng Presto in Semarang

Or if you are curious to try to cook it yourself, you can make it at home. Surely you have to prepare a presto tool.

Other Recipes: Soft and Delicious Bandeng Presto Recipes

